23rd September 2024

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Serving the people of Kirk Langley

Welcome to the 'Neighbourhood Plan' Page

The Kirk Langley Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the Development Plan for Amber Valley. The Kirk Langley Parish Neighbourhood Plan must be given full weight in the determination of planning applications and in decisions on planning appeals. The National Planning Policy Framework is very clear that where a planning application conflicts with a neighbourhood plan that has been brought into force, planning permission should not normally be granted.

The Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on the Amber Valley Borough Council website, by clicking on the link in the paragraph above or on application to the Clerk of the Parish Council.


For more than three years a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee made up of Parish Councillors and other volunteers from the local community was involved in the intensive work needed to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Kirk Langley. The hope and intention was to project a local perspective into development for this area, so that it would meet the needs and aspirations of our residents and businesses. At the time this process began, and still, Amber Valley does not have a Local Development Plan in force which is up to date. This means that to a large extent, national planning policy has continued to steer development. Our Neighbourhood Plan cannot override national policy, but it can help with local detail.

The legal process of making a Neighbourhood Plan required thorough and extensive consultation of local people and businesses. This included a household questionnaire and leaflets distributed to every address in the Parish; public meetings; exhibitions; stalls at the Church fete and village field day; and focussed consultation with local businesses and the local school. Many people kindly participated, which helped the committee to developed policies relating to key topics. The draft plan was originally submitted to Amber Valley Borough Council in May 2019, but within days it had to be redrafted because the draft Local Plan, upon which our Neighbourhood Plan was based, had been withdrawn by the Local Authority whilst it was going through its formal examination process. This caused considerable additional work and delay to our plan, which then had to go through an intensive six-week long period of consultation. This ended on 2 November 2019. All comments and submissions were carefully considered and adjustments made to the draft plan accordingly.

Following formal submission of the draft Neighbourhood Plan to Amber Valley Borough Council on 5 December 2019, the Council organised an independent examination by an expert and this examination process included a further six-week consultation period. On 10 May 2020 the Independent Examiner confirmed, subject to minor modifications, that the Plan met all the requirements set out in legislation. Amber Valley Council agreed the Independent Examiner's recommendation that the plan should go to a local referendum. Because of covid restrictions, the referendum could not take place until 6 May 2021.

The result of the Referendum, in relation to the following question:

'Do you want Amber Valley Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Kirk Langley to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'

was as follows:

• Number of votes cast in favour of a 'Yes' 298 (94%)

• Number of votes cast in favour of a 'No' 19 (6%)

• Number of ballot papers rejected 2

As more than half of those voting were in favour, the Neighbourhood Plan was made part of the Development Plan for the area.

The Parish Council expresses its gratitude to the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and everyone else who assisted in the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The plan will be reviewed when Amber Valley enacts its Local Plan for the area because the neighbourhood Plan must be aligned to the borough plan. As yet, a date for review is unknown.

Last updated: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 15:30